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News - Events

TUC 2024 announcement

The XXXth TELEMAC User Conference will take place from 8 to 10 October 2024 at the Savoie Stadium, in Chambéry, France (location on Google Maps, about 15 minutes walk from Chambéry – Challes-les-Eaux train station where several hotels are located).

You can register for the conference, the workshop and the technical tour (to be confirmed) on this site:

Abstracts can be submitted directly on the payment platform ( or sent at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.You can find here a template for abstract submission.

List of themes proposed for abstracts:

  • Hydrodynamics 1D / 2D / 3D
  • Sediment transport
  • Waves
  • Water quality
  • Fluvial applications
  • Coastal applications
  • Estuaries applications
  • Water works and flows around structures
  • Extreme events: floods, surges, tsunamis, etc.
  • Numerical methods
  • Data assimilation methods
  • Uncertainties quantification methods
  • Optimisation methods
  • Code coupling

Key dates and deadlines:

  • 1st July Extended to 15 July: deadline for abstract submission
  • 1st September: deadline for article submission
  • 15 September: deadline for article final revision submission
  • 8 and 9 October: conference days
  • 10 October:
    • Morning: Workshop (draft program to be confirmed; any proposition, subject and/or contribution is welcomed and can be sent at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
      • Python “Study” class for openTELEMAC: discussion to specify all functionalities needed in this class by the community and eventually, beginning of development in a “mini hackathon”.
      • PreCourlis and QMasCourlis tutorial:
        • PreCourlis is a QGIS plugin (distributed on QGIS official repo) which allow to build a 1D geometry for Mascaret. This tutorial will be done on the next version of PreCourlis (version 2.1) which will be released this summer.
        • QMasCourlis is a user interface to build, run and post-treat a Mascaret and/or Courlis models. It is open source and will be distributed soon.
    • Afternoon: Technical Tour (to be confirmed). Visit of Cheylas – Flumet PSH with presentation of openTELEMAC models used for sedimentary management of Flumet reservoir (website of the project only in French)

Telemac-Mascaret user, your opinion matters !

Dear Telemac-Mascaret User,

We are launching a survey to improve support and training in order to help you achieve and maintain a good level of skill with your tool.

We need your feedback to better understand your challenges and how you use Telemac-Mascaret.

It will only take a few minutes.


You can either click on the link or flash the QR code below :


We thank you in advance for your feedback !

EDF Open-Source Code Valorization Team


TUC 2023 announcement

The XXIXth TELEMAC User Conference has taken place
at the BAW in Karlsruhe, Germany, on the 11-13 October 2023.

karlsruhe v01

 Yet another great conference on line and on site, and an evening dinner within the BAW's hydraulic laboratories, right next to a model of the Rhine River.

Here is the link to the proceedings, and yet another great book of quality articles !


TUC 2022 proceedings

The XXVIIIth TELEMAC User Conference has been another success this year at the Paris-Saclay site of EDF R&D (France). Thank you to all participants.



Follow this link to download the proceedings: proceedings as it makes its way to the HENRY database HENRY (

Next stop : the BAW in Karlsruhe, Germany
We hope to see you soon !

Best regards,
The TUC organising committee


TELEMAC Training in Hangzhou, China, 18-21 January, 2022

A training session on the open TELEMAC-MASCARET system will be held in China for 3 days on 18-21 January, 2022, in Hangzhou, China. The training session will be given in Chinese by EDF R&D China, Hohai Univerty and Yuansuan (EDF official partner in CAE software in China).

It will focus on the Hydrodynamics and Wave modules, and their applications. Exercises contain practices from pre-processing and computation to post-processing results provided in SaaS mode on a cloud computing platform.

For more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

flyer TELEMAC en

TUC 2021 - registration deadline

TUC 2021 - registration deadline

IMDC is proud to organize the TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference this year, which will be held on October 14th and October 15th preceeded by a preconference workshop on October 13th. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the conference is hosted onsite in Antwerp, Belgium as well as online.

The deadline for the registration, is October 4th 2021.

For registration, please visit
The program of the conference, is placed online at program

We are sincerely looking forward to meeting you either online or onsite.
On behalve of the local organizing committee

Alexander Breugem
Senior engineer
Van Immerseelstraat 66
B-2018 Antwerp

TUC 2021 - abstract deadline extension

TUC 2021 - abstract deadline extension

We have already received a large amount of abstracts for the coming hybrid onsite/online TELEMAC/MASCARET User Conference next October. However, in order to give the opportunity to everybody who would like to submit an abstract, we have extended the deadline for submission until July 17th 2011. We will open the registration for the Conference on July 15th 2011. We are looking forward to seeing you all in October either in Antwerp or online at the TUC 2021.


User Conference 2021 - it is on !

TUC 2021 is going on!

After careful consideration of the current COVID-19 situation, it was decided to hold the TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference on the original scheduled dates (Thursday October 14th and Friday 15th 2021). The conference is organized in a hybrid form.

Apart from the physical form, which will be held in the Lindner Hotel in Antwerp, Belgium, there will also be the possibility to participate online for the conference. The pre-conference workshop on Wednesday October 13th will go on in physical form only at the Lindner hotel in Antwerp.

In order to organize a successful TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference, please submit your abstract for the conference by Friday July 2th 2021. Registration for the TUC will open soon.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference.

User Conference 2021 - abstracts before July 2nd.

Again, IMDC is proud to organise the 2021 TELEMAC User conference in Antwerp

Last year the TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The current evolution of the COVID-pandemic and the ongoing vaccination programs provides us hope that, this year, the XXVIIth TUC can be organised as planned, on Thursday October 14th and Friday 15th 2021 in Antwerp Belgium, with a pre-conference workshop on Wednesday October 13th. The final decision whether the TUC will go ahead will be taken on June 25th 2021, taking into account the development of the pandemic as well as the government regulations regarding the organization of these kind of events and quarantine free travel to and from Belgium.

In order to organize a successful TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference, please submit your abstract for the conference by Friday July 2th 2021.

More information is available at the conference website at We sincerely hope to be able to meet you all in person in Antwerp in October.

On behalf of the local organizing committee,

Alexander Breugem

As usual, the call for abstract is on the conference themes:

  • River and urban floods, flood forecasting and management
  • Coastal surges, tsunami waves and extreme events
  • River, estuaries, maritime, coastal sediment processes
  • Waterworks, coastal structures design and sustainability
  • Waves, tidal renewable and hydro power energy assessment
  • Water quality, biodiversity, ecology and environmental pollution (e.g. plastics)
  • Numerical methods, code coupling and high-performance computing
  • Data assimilation, optimization, risks and uncertainties

TELEMAC Training in Hangzhou, China, 9-11 December, 2020

A training session on open TELEMAC-MASCARET will be held in China for 2 days on 9-11 December, 2020, in Hangzhou, China. The training session will be given in Chinese by EDF R&D China and Yuansuan (EDF official partner in CAE software in China).

It will focus on the TELEMAC-2D and TELEMAC-3D modules, and their applications in hydrodynamic studies. Exercises contain practices from pre-processing and computation to post-processing results using SALOME-HYDRO provided in SaaS mode on a cloud computing platform.

For more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

TELEMAC-MASCARET training, EDF R&D China and Hohai University, 28 – 30 October 2019

TELEMAC-MASCARET training by EDF R&D China and Hohai University, 28 – 30 October 2019

Dates: 28 – 30 October 2019

Location: Hohai University

Registration: edfchina-rnd-software at or via Weechat (QR code provided in the program)

Program: link

TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference 2020

(update 13/10/2020) TELEMAC-MASCARET Webinar

Due to ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it was necessary to postpone the TELEMAC-MASCARET user Conference to October 2021. Instead this year, a TELEMAC-MASCARET Webinar will be organized.

This will take place on Thursday October 15th 14h00 to 16h30 (GMT+2, i.e. local time in Belgium, France and Germany).

This Webinar can be joined free of charge by using the Teams link below.

Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

The preliminary program is  (time in GMT +2):

14:00-14:15 Welcome from the president of the TELEMAC-MASCARET consortium
14:15-14:30 Introduction to the webinar
14:30-15:30 Presentation of latest developments v8p2 for TELEMAC & MASCARET
15:30-16:00 Overview of the abstracts and papers submitted for TUC 2020
16:30-16:30 Conclusion of the webinar and online coffee/dink

Please feel free to forward this invitation to any other person in your organization that may be interested.

The organizing Committee

(update 31/08/2020) The TELEMAC-MASCARET User conference in Antwerp is postponed to October 2021

In recent weeks, we have seen an increase COVID-19 cases all over Europe. These have made travelling increasingly difficult, due to travel restrictions and quarantine obligations for travelers from various governments. Because of this, the TELEMAC consortium and the local organizing committee of the TUC have taken the decision to postpone the TELEMAC USER CONFERENCE in Antwerp to October 2021. We are currently looking for the exact date and will communicate you this as soon as this is determined

Finally, even though TELEMAC CONFERENCE is postponed, we feel the need to keep in contact with the TELEMAC community. Therefore, we will organize an online TELEMAC gathering, which will take place in the afternoon of Thursday October 15th 2020. We are currently determining the exact format and program of this online gathering and will inform you in due time.

IMDC is proud to organise the 2020 TELEMAC User conference in Antwerp

The conference starts on Wednesday October 14th 2020 with a one-day technical workshop, followed by a two-day conference from Thursday October 15th to Friday October 16th. A conference diner on Thursday evening will be organised for delegates and guests.

Call for abstract on the conference Themes:

  • River and urban floods, flood forecasting and management
  • Coastal surges, tsunami waves and extreme events
  • River, estuaries, maritime, coastal sediment processes
  • Waterworks, coastal structures design and sustainability
  • Waves, tidal renewable and hydro power energy assessment
  • Water quality, biodiversity, ecology and environmental pollution (e.g. plastics)
  • Numerical methods, code coupling and high-performance computing
  • Data assimilation, optimization, risks and uncertainties


The abstract must be submitted before July 3rd 2020 by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

XXVIth Telemac-Mascaret User Conference

The Telemac-Mascaret User Conference 2019 will be held in Toulouse on October 15-17th. The conference is organized by the European Center for Advanced Research and Training for Computational Science (CERFACS), on the Météo-France campus, in the conference room CIC. The conference will start with a one-day technical workshop (October 15th 2019), followed by a two-day conference on October 16-17th. A gala dinner will take place on the 16th evening for delegates and guests.

Please check for more details.

The registration is now open ! Please register and submit your abtract to TUC 2019 !

The open TELEMAC-MASCARET template for Joomla!2.5, the HTML 4 version.