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TOPIC: Selafin cant be read in fudaa

Selafin cant be read in fudaa 12 years 3 months ago #3902

  • tizzah
  • tizzah's Avatar

My fudaa pre pro was working fine yesterday. Today, when i tried to open my geometry file, in selafin format, it cannot open it in the Editor. only the selafin format, but when i tried a tutorial file in geo format, it was working. i generated my mesh in blue kenue so it was in slf. i have to open it as i want to assign boundary conditions prior to simulation.

it seems that it canot, all of a sudden recognise the slf file.

please help.
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Re: Selafin cant be read in fudaa 12 years 3 months ago #3916

  • jmhervouet
  • jmhervouet's Avatar

You can test if it works on another selafin file, if yes, there is a doubt that it is your very mesh done with BlueKenue and only it that does not work for some reason (ftp transfer with ascii mode for example). If Fudaa worked on a file yesterday and not today on the same mesh, I see no explanation and I would advise to reload Fudaa.

With best regards,

Jean-Michel Hervouet
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