I'm a beginner with bluekenue, I would like to make a mesh with the bathymetry to use it in telemac.
I made a mesh but the arrangement of triangle is quite strange, well ordered on the left side of the mesh (probably due to the straight border) and disorganized on the right side. Between the two sides, it makes like a border and i'm afraid it could lead to problems in telemac.
Here is a picture:
and the file:
Is there a way to avoid this?
Next i've interpolated the bathymetry on the mesh, created a selfin object. And from this object i've tried to make CL in fudaa prepro. But when I load the slf file in the mesh viewer I get the error:
"GRAVE: Erreur lors de la génération de la frontière. Lindice 45347 na pas de voisin Erreur"
Here is the file:
Thank you for your help!