Dear Sven,
Actually the subroutine BORD.F is fairly complicated because it combines a number of possibilities : boundary conditions given in boundary conditions file, given by key-words, variations in time given in liquid boundaries file, etc.
In fact the role of BORD.F is only to give the prescribed values in case of Dirichlet boundary conditions. These values are contained in UBOR, VBOR and HBOR for the 2 components of velocity and the depth. People who deal with complicated conditions, like time and space variation of free surface read in a file, do not bother with this and re-program the subroutine BORD.F.
However in your case you can do it by programming function SL. This function providing the free surface elevation at boundaries is called in BORD.F if you use the keyword PRESCRIBED ELEVATIONS = ..... (see lines 127 to 144 in BORD.F, and cases when SL is called).
By default SL takes the values given by the PRESCRIBED ELEVATIONS, i.e. one value per liquid boundary (array ), this is probably why you see that Telemac-2D takes only one value. Then you must copy SL into your user FORTRAN FILE and modify it. In the arguments you have the global number of the point, and you can use AT as the time (it is seen in SL because it is in DECLARATIONS_TELEMAC2D). Then you can prescribe any elevation as a function of the global number of the point and the time, by just giving the elevation SL at the end of the function, regardless of what is done before (which basically treats the case of values given in a file). It would be a little bit more difficult in parallel, but a first step would be to get what you want in scalar mode. So please first try this and we'll see,
With best regards,
Jean-Michel Hervouet